Explain the questions

- Explaining the question
19. why is handle of tools like screwdriver pliers are covered with plastic or rubber?
-> So that electric current should not paas through it.
20. Generally what can be the components of electric circuit?
->Resistors, transistors, capacitors, inductors, diode, and conductor are the components.
21. would bulb glow in the given circuit?
->yes bulb will glow because it is connected to neagative positive terminal of battery.
22. what is the function of an electric switch?
-> to stop flowing of current in conductor whenever we required
23. what is an electric coil and how many terminal it has?
-> turning conductors like copper wire just like spring is coil. There are two high voltage output terminals.
24. Draw a diagram to show a circuit.
25.What is difference between the conductor and insulator?
difference is that conductors allows current to flow whereas insulator does not allows.