Chemistry, asked by joshua9884, 7 months ago

Explain the reaction of metal carbonates and metal hydrogen carbonates with acids and write the relevant equations. What happens when the liberated gas is passed through lime water?

I will mark you the brainliest answer of all . ​


Answered by chetnapanchal978


The acid reacts with metal carbonate to produce salt , water and carbon dioxide

2HCL+Na2CO3 = 2NaCL +H2O +CO2

When CO2 gas was liberated in lime water to turn milky .

Answered by harshudagar800


when a metal carbonate aur metal hydrogen carbonate is reacted with acids than it liberate salt ,water and carbon dioxide.

HCl + Na2CO3 = NaCl + H2O +CO2

the gas will turn lime water milky..

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