Explain the relation of democracies to inequality and poverty.
1. Democracy accommodates various social division and thus leads to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens.
2. Democracy has the ability to handle social differences, divisions and conflict.
3. It recognises dignity and freedom of the citizens.
4. Democracy in India has strengthened the claims of disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunity.
5.Gives equal voting rights to all the citizens.
6. Provides equal opportunity to all the sections of the society.
7. Ensures social equality by protecting the rights of the citizens without discrimination.
8. Equally distributes benefits to all the sections of the society.
Four ways in which democracies have been able to reduce inequality and poverty are:
Gives equal voting rights to all the citizens.
Provides equal opportunity to all the sections of the society.
Ensures social equality by protecting the rights of the citizens without discrimination.
Equally distributes benefits to all the sections of the society.