Explain the role of indian reformers to reform indian society from different evil practises prevalent in society
Model Answer:
Nineteenth century is the period of turmoil in Indian society. The age-old traditions and practices were degraded and these were replaced by many social evils like female infanticide, sati, child-marriage, caste system, purdah; ban on female education, and widow re-marriage etc. The conquest of India by the British during the 18th and 19th century exposed some serious weaknesses and drawbacks of Indian social institutions. The most distressing was the position of women. The socio intellectual revolution that took place in the fields of social reforms is often known as Indian Renaissance. An important part of European Renaissance was reforming society from outside, on the basis of Post Enlightenment rationalism. But in Indian context, it implied rediscovering rationalism from within India’s past.
The most important result of the impact of western culture was the replacement of blind faith in current traditions, beliefs, and conventions by a spirit of rationalism.
Reformists adopted a rational approach to tradition but also evaluated the existing socio-religious practices from the position of social utility and to replace faith with rationality.
In the Brahmo Samaj, it led to the repudiation of the infallibility of the Vedas, and in the Aligarh Movement, to the reconciliation of the teachings of Islam with the needs of the modern age.
Syed Ahmed Khan emphasized that if religion did not keep pace with and meet the demands of the time it would get fossilized as in the case of Islam in India.
The socio religious reform movement was against backward element of traditional culture in terms of both religious and social evils.
The focus was on regeneration of traditional institutions including medicine, education, and philosophy and so on
In 19 century, British rule had been established in India. The widespread of western education and philosophy could be seen everywhere. At that time, Sarah (a canon in which a woman immolates herself on her husband's funeral pyre), BalVivah (Child marriage), Parda Pratha (Veil system), Jati Paths (Casteismi Kanyavadha (Gid Child Slaughter), were prevalent in the Indian society. Highlighting those had customs, the Britishers started criticizing the emim civilization and culture of audio Britishers displayed the weaker points of Indians instead of the better part of Indian culture. Some educand Youth of India, and limiting the British tight and behaved like. This symptom was worrisome in the Indian city
In this situation, some intellectual persons came forward and tried to eradicate the prevalent bad custom of society. They went through the old Vedicure highly I based on the essence free study carried they put forward the fact that the Indian culture is the best. The criticism related to the social evils has nothing to do with the Indian dude. These social evils appeared in due course, do circumstances and ignorance, which were essential to be removed Raja Ram Mohan Roy Some of the social reformers motivated the Government to make laws to forbid the social evils. On the other hand, some reformers thought that the eradication of social evils can be done only by persuing the people about the impact of bad customs. Thus, in modern India many persons of philanthropic approach. contributed towards social reforms. We will study about suneuf the social reformers and their contributions in this lesson