Explain the role of tps in supply chain management
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Examining Objectives Of Transaction Processing System Information Technology Essay
1639 words (7 pages) Essay in Information Technology
5/12/16 Information Technology Reference this
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Transaction processing system (TPS), an information system (IS) mostly used by managers in operational management to record internal transactions, economic events that occur within an organization and external transactions where the business event took place outside the organization to make operational decision. TPS supports different tasks by setting a set of rules and guidelines that specify the ways to capture or collect, process and store any transaction in a form of data or information.
Supply chain management system(SCMs),it also can be referred to as Enterprise Resources Planning(ERP). This system involved the information of any business processes that related to the activities of producing and selling the final goods or services, such as the activities take part in the producing goods involved marketing to after-the-sale services; Industries which provide services might include document management, monitoring customer’s portfolio and others.
Role of TPS in supply chain management
- A transaction process system is used to collect the information and database of costumers.
- TPS is used for the data entry transaction.
- First, we process the transaction and then make the report.
- After that, we generate a document on the report with the help of TPS.
- It is used to find the queries of the costumers through which we can help them.
- This is how we manage the supply chain.
Learn more about TPS.
What is transaction processing system with examples?