explain the root pressure experiment with a labelled diagram
→ Choose a small soft-stemmed plant.
→ Cut the stem horizontally near the base.
→ Drops of solution ooze out of the cut stem. This is due to the positive root pressure.
→ At night and early morning evaporation is low.
→ Literally, as we know excess of water collects in the form of droplets around special openings of veins in the grass blades and leaves.
→ Such water loss in liquid phase is called guttation.
→ Root pressure can only provide a modest push in the water transport.
→ They have no a major role in water movement up tall trees.
→ Root pressure re-establishes the continuous chains of water molecules in the xylem which often break under the tensions created by transpiration.
→ In most plants, majority of water transport occurs by transpiration pull.