Explain the scientific principle described in the picture shown in the right.
Principles of Scientific Management: Propounded by Taylor-
(a)- Science, Not Rule of Thumb:
In order to increase organisational efficiency, the ‘Rule of Thumb’ method should be substituted by the methods developed through scientific analysis of work.
Rule of Thumb means decisions taken by a manager as per their personal judgments. According to Taylor, even a small production activity like loading iron sheets into boxcars can be scientifically planned. This will help in saving time as well as human energy. Decisions should be based on scientific inquiry with cause and effect relationships.
(b)- Harmony, Not Discord:
Taylor emphasized that there should be complete harmony between the workers and the management since if there is any conflict between the two, it will not be beneficial either for the workers or the management.
Both the management and the workers should realize the importance of each other. In order to achieve this state, Taylor suggested complete mental revolution on the part of both management and workers.
(c)- Mental Revolution:
The technique of Mental Revolution involves a change in the attitude of workers and management towards each other. Both should realize the importance of each other and should work with full cooperation. Management, as well as the workers, should aim to increase the profits of the organisation.
(d)- Cooperation, Not Individualism:
This principle is an extension of the principle of ‘Harmony, not discord’ and lays stress on mutual cooperation between workers and the management. Cooperation, mutual confidence, sense of goodwill should prevail among both, managers as well as workers. The intention is to replace internal competition with cooperation.
(e)- Development of each and every person to his or her greatest efficiency and prosperity:
The efficiency of any organisation also depends on the skills and capabilities of its employees to a great extent. Thus, providing training to the workers was considered essential in order to learn the best method developed through the use of the scientific approach. To attain the efficiency, steps should be taken right from the process of selection of employees. Employees should be scientifically selected.