English, asked by niharika0708, 9 months ago

Explain the significance of rack
in the extract of Act 3 Scene 2 of merchant of venice


Answered by hiralbanthia8731


Bassaino requests to Portia to let him make the choice of caskets. He adds that he lives upon the rack ( an instrument used to torture prisoners by stretching the body and obtaining a confession ) .

Portia wittily replies to Bassanio to confess the treason that is tangled with his love for Portia. She says this because racks were used to obtain confessions.

Bassanio declares that it is no other treason but the ugly treason of doubt that dreads him as he might not be able to win Portia in the choice of caskets. He further justifies that there is no relationship between treason and his love for Portia as there does not exist between snow and fire.

Portia again comments back with wit. She exclaims that people often lie when they are stretched upon the rack.

There is another reference to the rack for the next part. Traitors could either live by confessing the truth or die by facing the rack. Portia refers to this and tells Bassanio to confess and live.

Bassanio feels elated because his own tormenter teaches him the answers to his own deliverance.

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