Explain the six seasons of Indian climate
summer, winter, autumn, spring, monsoon, rainy seasons .
1) SUMMER:- summer is a enjoyable season. in summer we eat ice cream and drink cold drink. ln Hindu religion summer means Greeshma.
2)WINTER:- winter real enjoy is in the mountains and to see a real snow . in Hindu religion winter is known as sheet kal
3) AUTUMN:- autumn is pleasant season in India . in Hindu religion autumn is known as Sharad.
4) SPRING:- spring is also a very pleasant season in India . in spring we fly the kites that's why in Hindu religion spring is known as Vasanth.
5) RAINY:- rainy season is a enjoyable season of mine . in rainy season there is a muddy puddle to jump .
6) MONSOON:- monsoon season is very dangerous season. it is very difficult to survive people in monsoon season. in Hindu religion monsoon is known as Varsha.