Business Studies, asked by mohanrajbcom2002, 2 months ago

explain the stages of agency correspondence​


Answered by ny67727gmailcom


A. The agency utilizes various communications systems for the mutual benefit of the agency and its employees. Those communications systems include, but are not limited to:

1. Telephones and facsimile (FAX) devices;

2. Email systems and internet access;

3. Voice and video recorders and players;

4. Radio and paging systems;

5. Bulletin boards; and

6. Other miscellaneous locations where documents, paper mail, and messages are posted, retained, or stored.

B. All agency employees are responsible for the efficient, effective, ethical, and lawful use of the agency’s communications systems.

C. Consistent with CJ 10-402 and applicable case law, employees have only limited expectations of privacy from intrusion when using electronic communications systems that are agency authorized or are provided for the mutual benefit of employees and the agency.

D. Agency employees will not access communications intended solely for other employees or persons unless required or requested to do so by intended recipients, as authorized by lawful processes, or for bona fide, work related reasons. Applicable statutes include, but are not limited to:

1. CR 8-606 - False entry in public record, altering, defacing, destroying, removing or concealing public record; accessing public record;

2. CR 7-302 - Unauthorized access to computers prohibited;

3. CR 3-905 - Opening letters without permission;

4. CR 3-804, CR 3-805, CR 8-210, CR 9-602, and CR 9-603 pertaining to surveillance, telephone misuse, etc.; and

5. CJ 10-401 thru 10-414 - Wiretapping and electronic surveillance.

E. All agency communications will be in English unless specifically authorized by the Chief or University administration for use by non-English speaking recipients.

F. Encryption programs will not be used unless specifically authorized by the Chief, OTS or HR.

G. Classified, confidential, sensitive, proprietary, or private information or data will not be disseminated to unauthorized persons, organizations, or agencies.

H. Except in the furtherance of bona fide police duties, agency employees will not utilize correspondence or communications systems to:

1. Violate the University’s Guidelines for the Acceptable Use of Computing Resources;

2. Send messages that threaten, harass, or intimidate others;

3. Send images that contain nudity, images or words of a prurient or sexually suggestive nature, even if recipients have consented to or requested such material;

4. Send unbecoming communications; or

5. Send communications in violation of laws or directives, including, but not limited to:

a. The UB Policy on Sexual Harassment;

b. The UB Human Relations Code; or

c. CR 10-301 and 10-304 - Religious and ethnic crimes.

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