Social Sciences, asked by AbiyaJain, 1 year ago

Explain the statement
"When France sneezes ,'Metternich once remarked ,'the rest of the Europe catches fire."

HarshRedliner: They would just ask you who remarked this statement ... The reasonn... I dont think .. But still go on


Answered by itigupta123

"If France Sneezes rest of the europe catches cold" This Statement was said by austrian chancellor Duke Metternich He said this statement because LIberals in europe get inspired by the revolutions of liberals in France to overthrow Monarchy,Conservatism,&Aristocracy And Form their Elected constitution But this was Rejected by The consevatives this is why Metternich has Said "If France Sneezes rest of the europe catches cold.
Answered by Aurora34

Here is your answer↓↓

★Metternich, the Australian chancellor said: if france sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold"

★It was true on more than one occasion. after the revolution in france in 1789, the revolutionary spirit spread to many other countries .

★The ideas of iberty , equality and fraternity moved many minds. the liberalism experienced b the post- revolutionary france inspied the educated people all over the Europe.

★Similarly after the political upheaval in france in 1830, it sparked revolution in other places like brussesls.

★AS a result belgium broke away from the kingdom of netherlands. Thus it is clear that what happened in france had a grate inpact on the people of ther countries. Being the most powerful country of europe aat that time, it set the social and political standard.

Hope it helps!
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