Economy, asked by arihant151, 9 months ago

Explain the steps taken in derivation of saving curve from consumption curve. Use diagram.​


Answered by Divitaagrawal1230D

Answer:Steps taken for derivation of consumption curve are: (i) At zero level of income, the savings are O\overline{S} which is the amount of autonomous consumption at Y= 0. So, -O\overline{S} = O\overline{C}. Hence, the consumption will start from the point \overline{C}


Answered by sanjeevk28012

Steps taken in derivation of saving curve from consumption curve.


The steps are:

  • Taking OS equal to OC.
  • Draw a 45 degree line on OX axis from the point O  which intersect CC' at the point B.
  • A perpendicular is drawn from  point B to Intersect X-axis B'
  • Joint S and B' and extend  to derive Curve SS'.

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