explain the structure of nucleus?
1. Nuclear membrane:
Nucleus is enclosed by a double-layered nuclear membrane. In bacteria and bluegreen algae, the nuclear membrane is not found.
2. Nucleoplasm:
In nucleus is present a thick jelly-like semi-uid nucleoplasm. In nucleus network of thread-like structures called chromatin network. At the time of cell division, the chromatin takes on the form of thread-like structures called chromosomes. The number of chromosomes is xed for every species of animals and plants. The man has 23 pairs of chromosomes. Wheat has 21 pairs of chromosomes.
The two partners of chromosomes pair are called homologous chromosomes.
Chromosomes: Chromosomes are composed of specic proteins and a nucleic, acid called Deoxyribose, Nucleic Acid (DNA) Genes are segments of DNA. Genes control and carry the
hereditary characters.
3. Nucleolus:
Nucleolus contains RNA, commonly there is a single nucleolus, but two or more may be present. The nucleolus is the seat for the synthesis of cytoplasmic, Ribosomes. During cell, division nucleolus disappears in early stages and reappears on the same location in the daughter nuclei.
The functions of the nucleus are as follows:
The nucleus controls the activities of the cell, through its DNA molecule.
The main function of the nuclear reticulum is participation in cell-division.
Genes are located in a linear fashion in chromosomes. The genes are composed of DNA. Genes control and carry the hereditary characters from one generation to another generation.
Nucleolus assists in protein synthesis. Formation of ribosomes takes place in the nucleolus.