explain the structure of stomata. write function of guard cells
Stomata are present in leaf epidermis. They regulate the process of transpiration and gaseous exchange. They are enclosed by two bean-shaped guard cells.
Guard cells are cells surrounding each stoma. They help to regulate the rate of transpiration by opening and closing the stomata. To understand how they function, study the following figures.
The outermost layer of cells, i.e epidermis contains minute pores called stomata. Each stomata is surrounded by guard cells. Stomata is referred to the stomatal opening plus the guard cell. The guard cells are living cells and contain chloroplast. Their inner walls are thicker and outer walls are thinner.
Function of guard cells- They regulate the opening and closing of the stomatal pore. The guard cells swell when water flows into them causing the pore to open. Because inflow causes stretching and bulging of outer thin walls, it drags the thin walls apart leading them to open the pore. When there is outflow of water from guard cells, outer thin walls come to their original position resulting in closure of stomatal pore.