Explain the technique of 'Functional Foremanship' and the concept of 'Mental Revolution' as enunciated by Taylor
Functional Foremanship : It is an extension of principle of division of labour, resulting in specialisation. According to Taylor, a single worker or supervisor cannot be expected to be an expert in all aspects. Thus, he advocated the appointment of eight foremen to guide workers, under planning and production departments. Under the planning incharge, there are four personnel:
(i) Route clerk He is responsible to specify the route of production. {it) Instruction card clerk He is responsible to give instructions to the workers.
{ii) Time and cost clerk He is responsible to prepare time and cost sheets.
(iii) Disciplinarian He is responsible to maintain discipline among workers.
Under the production incharge, there are four personnel:
(i) Speed boss He is responsible for timely completion of job.
{ii) Gang-boss He is responsible for keeping machines and tools ready for work.
{iii) Repair boss He is responsible to keep machines and tools in proper working condition.
{iv) Inspector He is responsible to maintain quality of work.
Mental Revolution: It involves change in the attitude of workers and management. Both should realise the importance of the other and should cooperate with each other. Both should aim to increase the size of surplus. Managers should share their gains with workers, while workers should contribute to increase profits. This attitude will bring prosperity to both, the company as well as the workers.
Functional Foremanship : It refers to that technique of scientific management which makes possible the full utilisation of the principle of specialisation . In a functional organisation, work is divided into many small parts is assigned to an expert . In this manner all the benefits of specialisation are availed of .
Taylor has suggested the division of works of factory manager into two subdepartment :
1) Planning department
2) Production Department
1) PlanningPDepartment:
a) Route clerk : This clerk specify the sequence of completing a particular work .
b) Instruction card clerk : This clerk prepares the instructions cards for the workers and hands them over to the gang boss
c) Time and cost clerk : This clerk decides as to when particular work is to be started and finished.
d) Discipline officer : The discipline officer ensures that every work is being performed in a disciplined manner .
2) Production Department :
a) Gang boss : A group leader is selected who is known as the gang boss . he is expected to ensure that both the workers and machines are fit enough for production and that the material required for their use has been made available to them
b) Speed boss : ensures that all the workers are performing their job at the required or expected speed.
c) Repair boss : the main function of the repair boss is to keep the machines and tools in the working condition
d) Inspector : He inspects the things produced and compares Thier quality with the standard prescribed for them and tries to find out the difference.
Mental revolution: It refers to the change in attitude of management and workers towards one another from competition to cooperation