Explain the techniques of image optimizing with example
Optimization methods vary based on the web page layout and structure. The most prominent image optimization tools involve compressing image size, using the light-image file formats and minimizing the number of images site visitors need to load in their browsers.....
Answer: Optimization methods vary based on the web page layout and structure. The most prominent image optimization tools involve compressing image size, using light-image file formats and minimizing the number of images site visitors need to load in their browsers.
Image Compression
Compression reduces image detail and size by removing some of its header information. The favored file formats for raster image compression are .png, .jpg, and .gif—each containing static pixel color data.
Each lets you adjust the quality, level of detail and size when saving each image. The tradeoff is that each of these “lossy” formats results in a degradation in image quality.
Vector Images
Vector images (e.g., .pdf, .ai, .eps) use coordinates and graphic parameters to compose a scene. Vector images are smaller than their raster counterparts. Using them to replace raster images can decrease page load times without significantly sacrificing image quality.
Vector and raster image resolutions.
Vector and raster image resolutions.