explain the the conductivity of metals experimentally ?
A known property of metal is conduction.
Metals are excellent conductors of heat and electricity—heat energy and electrons travel very quickly through them.
You can experiment with both heat and electricity conduction using items from around your house.
Collect a metal spoon, wooden spoon, and other kitchen implements to compare heat conductivity.
Set them in a glass jar of hot, but not boiling, water. Which ones heat up fastest?
The ends of the metal utensils should have felt hot first, because they conduct heat better.
For a little more excitement, try this activity again using only metal utensils, with a dab of cold butter on top of each utensil.
Which one loses its butter first? Why might that be?
Look at each utensil’s handle thickness and length as well as its top surface area (e.g., a wire whisk has less surface to heat the butter than a ladle does) for clues.
Also, keep in mind that some metals conduct heat better than others do.