Explain the theme and tone of the story 'The summer of the beautiful white horse
In this gentle story from the collection My Name Is Aram (1940), William Saroyan calls into question the nature and the value of conventional morality and even of reality itself. Faced with a situation in which the first impulse of most people would be to punish the thieves, the people of this slow-moving, rural Armenian community (which undoubtedly was modeled on the author’s hometown, Fresno, California) do more than recognize that boys will be boys. They also understand that the value and thereby the use of property belong to those with spirit and understanding, not only money. A horse, after all, is a living being, not a thing like the burning house that Uncle Khosrove so easily dismisses. John Byro knows who has taken his horse, and he hints not to the boys but to the boy’s relatives that he knows, but he does not force the issue by demanding his horse back. To insult the honor of the Garoghlanian family would cause much more trouble than the loss of a horse, disrupting the peace of the community.
Even when Byro catches the boys red-handed, he does not condemn them. When he mentions that he believes with his heart, not with his eyes, he is telling the boys that he knows that they are basically good boys who do not intend him or the horse injury. Ironically, all turns out for the best. The daily morning exercise has improved the health of the animal, and he is better than ever, so the boys have done John Byro a favor with their mischief. No harm to it, as Uncle Khosrove would say.
The importance of spirit in Saroyan’s writings is shown in the characters of Uncle Khosrove and Mourad. No one is upset because both are crazy, for craziness has its strong points. Mourad really does have a way with animals, perhaps because of his unusual approach to the world, and Uncle Khosrove really is able to calm every conflict, even those involving himself, so who is to say who is crazy or even what is crazy?
I Am Not Sure Of aNswer
The short story “The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse” by William Soroyan is about Aram and Mourad, two cousins with a passion for horses, steal a horse and start to ride it among the fruit orchards and vineyards of the San Joaquin Valley. Though their tribe is known for their honesty, the boys continue to keep the horse until Aram learns how to ride. After he fufills his longing to ride a horse, they secretly take the horse back home. There are four components that contribute to the story, which are dialogue, setting/mood, characters and word choice/vocab. For example, the dialogue element helps the readers understand the story more in depth. “ and then at last, sighing sadly, he said, My white horse which was stolen last month is still gone. I cannot understand it.” (pg. 7). In the previous quote Soroyan adds dialogue to express the farmers gloomy tone more profoundly. Next, the setting/mood component helps the reader to make the setting more imaginable. For example, “good old days” (pg 2) brings a positive or reminiscent vibe to the mood. Also, the setting has been mentioned as the San Joaquin Valley where they live at the edge of town on Walnut Avenue. It helps the readers to not just imagine the valley but specifically where they live. “ Every family has a crazy streak in it somewhere, and my cousin Mourad was considered the natural descendant of the crazy streak in our tribe.” This quote from the story brings us to the next element which is characters. The quo
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