explain the three effects of the non cooperation movement on the economy of India?
Non-cooperation movement was nothing but a declaration of peaceful; and non-violent war against the atrocities of the British government which had gone back on its words.
The Non-cooperation Movement meant active refusal to abide by the laws and regulations passed by the government.
An appeal was made to all the Indians to surrender their titles and to boycott the law courts, the educational institutions and the election of the legislatures.
It was thought in the beginning that this would be enough to emphasis upon the government the need for greater reforms and more amenities in the administration of the country.
However, it was planned that, in case, it did not succeed in bringing down the Government; the payment of taxes would be refused.
The Congress also declared that it would not be satisfied with anything less than Swarajya. Thus, for the first time the Congress had taken a revolutionary step. An organization which was wedded to constitutional means had now adopted a revolutionary policy and was even ready to work for a self rule disconnecting all relations from the government of England in case it was not granted by them willingly.
Causes of the Movement :
1. Disillusion at the end of the war: There were some Indians who did not want to cooperate with the government during the war but Gandhiji thought it improper to take advantage of the weak position of the rulers. With the outbreak of the World War I, India came to be involved in the War as a part of the British Empire.
The British Government utilized India’s wealth, money and manpower for its own interest. About 1.25 million Indian soldiers fought on behalf of the British in different war fronts and many of them sacrificed their lives. They also donated about six crores and 21 lac pounds as war subscription.
So, Indians expected that in return of this valuable service, the British Government would grant autonomy to them at the end of the War. But they were greatly disillusioned. This dis-satisfaction was one of the causes of the Non-cooperation Movement by Gandhi.
2. Home Rule movement: Indians were disappointed to see the British government adopting repressive measures. In response to it Tilak and Besant started Home Rule movement. The Lucknow Pact had brought the Congress and the Muslim League closer together. The return of the Extremists to the Congress in 1916 gave the Congress a militant character.
The Home Rule movement prepared the ground for Non-Cooperation Movement.
3. Economic distress caused by the World War I: The War brought about great economic distress to the Indians. At the end of the war, the economic condition took a turn of the worse. Prices shot up. Price of cloths, sugar etc., began to soar. Foreign goods began to be imported.
Both the peasants and the workers suffered due to the impact of war. The price of agricultural products did not increase. The workers being unemployed had to live in half starvation.
According to Louis Fischer, not only political leaders, but also the soldiers and even the peasants claimed compensations for shedding Indian blood.