Science, asked by shubham6425, 11 months ago

explain the types of chemical reaction with proper example


Answered by stnaaz0786gmailcom
5 Types of Chemical Reactions
The major types of chemical reactions are:

1. Combination or Synthesis Reaction

A combination or synthesis reaction is one, where a new product is synthesized by combination of two or three reactants.


Hydrogen + Oxygen → Water
H2 + O2 → H2O

In this reaction, hydrogen and Oxygen combine to form water. So, since they are combining to form a new product, and a new compound, water is synthesized here, this reaction is said to be a synthesis reaction.

Also, it is an unbalanced equation, because, in the reactant side, there are 2 atoms of oxygen, but on the product side, there is only one atom of oxygen. An equation or a chemical reaction is valid only when the number of moles of reactants is equal to number of moles of products
Since the participating elements atom numbers should remain proportionately constant before and after the reaction, add 2 in front of H2O, to make the number of oxygen atoms equal to 2.

H2 + O2 → 2H2O

Now there are 4 hydrogen on the right side, but only 2 on the left side. So add 2, in front of H2, to make it equal to 4, i.e.,

2H2 + O2 → 2H2O

2. Decomposition Reaction

Decomposition reaction is one, where one compound decomposes or breaks into two or more different products.


Lead nitrate → Lead monoxide + Nitrogen dioxide + Oxygen
Pb(NO3 )2 → PbO + NO2 + O2

On balancing this, we will get,

2Pb(NO3)2 → 2PbO + 4NO2 + O2

Here, lead nitrate, is getting decomposed, or it breaks down to form lead oxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen. This is an example of decomposition reaction.

3. Displacement or Replacement Reaction

There are two types of displacement reaction.
Single displacement reaction.
When a cation or an anion is exchanged from a compound, this is called as single displacement reaction.

XY + Z → XZ + Y


Zn + H2SO4 → ZnSO4 + H2

In the above reaction, zinc replaces hydrogen from hydrogen sulphate or sulfuric acid, to form zinc sulfate. Since only cation is exchanged here, this is a single displacement reaction.

Double displacement reaction
The anions are exchanged between two compounds, or salts. Such reactions results in different combination of cations and anions, at the end.

XY + AZ → XZ + AY


BaCl2 + Na2SO4 → BaSO4 + 2NaCl

Chloride ion leaves Barium and gets attached itself to sodium. In this process, sulfate ion leaves sodium and attaches itself to Barium. Thus, there is an exchange of anions among Barium and sodium resulting in a double replacement or displacement reaction. Since both the compounds are changing, it is different from a single displacement reaction.

4. Acid Base Reactions

An acid and a base combines to give salt and water. This reaction is called as a neutralization reaction or just acid-base reaction.


HBr + KOH → H2O + KBr
Acid Base water salt

HBr, an acid reacts with a base, potassium hydroxide, to form water and a salt, potassium bromide. These are very important type of reactions, occurring in biological systems too.

5. Combustion Reaction

A reaction where mostly an organic compound burns in the presence of oxygen to yield mostly carbon dioxide, water, and other products, is also a type of combination reaction. Combination of any substance with oxygen results in combustion, leading to the burning of the compounds to its elementary products.


C4H10 + O2 → CO2 + H2O

Butane, an organic compound, burns in the presence of oxygen to give carbon dioxide and water.
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