Explain the use of END IF statement with the help of an example?
The If...Else...End if structure lets your method choose between two actions, depending on whether a test (a Boolean expression) is TRUE or FALSE.
When the Boolean expression is TRUE, the statements immediately following the test are executed. If the Boolean expression is FALSE, the statements following the Else statement are executed. The Else statement is optional; if you omit Else, execution continues with the first statement (if any) following the End if.
Note that the Boolean expression is always fully evaluated. Consider in particular the following test:
If(MethodA & MethodB)
End if
The expression is TRUE only if both methods are TRUE. However, even if MethodA returns FALSE, 4D will still evaluate MethodB, which is a useless waste of time.
इफ द स्टेट कंडीशन इस ट्रू द ब्लॉक ऑफ स्टेटमेंट स्पेसिफाई आफ्टर डेथ एंड एंड यू आर एस व्हाट इज द कंडीशन इज कॉल्ड द स्टेटमेंट एंड नॉट एक्सेप्टेड एंड द कंट्रोल डायरेक्टली ट्रांसपोर्टेड इन ए स्टेटमेंट आफ फ्रेंडशिप