explain this
class 10 ncert history age of industrialization.
Production of goods with the help of machines in factories. The first industrialized Nation-Britain.
Handmade goods to machine made goods in factories, cottage to factory, large scale production, started in England in later parts of 18th Century. In course of time, it affected all systems of production.
Before Industrial Revolution
Production in 17th century, artisans worked for merchants to produce goods, artisans took raw material from merchants for production. Their cottages functioned as a factory.
Association of producers, trained craft people maintained control over production, restricted entry of new traders. This period saw the coming of factories.
Coming up of factories:
Early factories in England came up by the 1730s.
First symbol of new era-cotton mill
Many factories sprang up in England
A series of inventions took place in the form of carding, twisting, spinning and rolling.
The pace of Industrial change:
Cotton and iron and steel industries were the most dynamic industries.
New industries could not displace traditional ones.
Technological changes occurred slowly.
Steam engine invented by James Watt had no buyers for years.
New technologies were slow to be accepted.