explain type of nutrition in fungi or bread mould
The type of nutrition present in fungi and bread mould , which breakdown the food materials outside the body , absorbing it is called saprophytic or heterotrophic.
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in fungi or bread mould
➢ Type of Nutrition
- Heterotrophic or saprophytic.
➢ Heterotrophic
Because , It is not possible to directly synthesize inorganic substances into organic substances. It is necessary to ingest ready-made organic substances to maintain the nutritional way of life , called heterotrophic (Heterotroph).
➢ Sparophyte
Saprophyte is a way for organisms to obtain nutrition. Those who obtain nutrients from animal or plant corpses or decaying tissues to maintain their lives are called " Sprouts ". Most molds , bacteria, yeasts and a few higher plants are "sprouts". The aerobic decomposition of saprophytes in the soil is an essential part of the material cycle.