explain Van de graaff generator under the following points :
1) principle
2) labelled diagram
3) construction
4) working
5) uses
6) demerits for defects
remember this thing
[ give me correct ans only ]
(ii) Principle: We know that the capacity of a uniformly charged hollow spherical conductors is C=4πε
R. Obviously, for the capacity to be large the radius R should be large. Further at the pointed ends of a charged conductor the surface density of charge (i.e., charge/area) is more as compared to any plane surface, therefore the electric field near the pointed ends of conductor is more stronger than at any other places. The working of Van-de Graff generator is based on these facts.
Van de graaff
1) Principle: Van de graaff uses two principles of electrostatics. The electric discharge takes place in air or gases at pointed conductors readily. This phenomenon is known as corona discharge.
2) Constriction: Van de graaff generator consists of a large hollow metallic sphere S mounted on two insulated supported columns C1 and C2. An endless belt of insulating material is mounted on pulleys P1 and P2. The pulley P1 is run by a motor. Two sharp combs B1 and B2 are fixed near the pulleys P1 and P2 respectively touching the belt. Comb B1 is called spray comb, while Comb B2 is called collecting comb. The positive ion to be accelerated are produced in the discharge tube D. The ion source lies at the head of the tube in the sphere. Target is at other end of the tube is earthed. The whole assembly is enclosed in a chamber filled with nitrogen or methane at high pressure.
3) Uses: The following uses are:
- It is used to create high potential of a range of few million volts.
- It is used to accelerate projectiles like protons, deuterons, etc. which hit the target with large kinetic energy and bring about artificial transmutation.
- It is used to study collision experiments in physics.
- Such beams are used to sterilize food items and other medical purposes.