Computer Science, asked by shibashisraut, 2 months ago

Explain various File operations in C programming


Answered by ashokfarsanmart


File Handling is the storing of data in a file using a program. In C programming language, the programs store results, and other data of the program to a file using file handling in C. Also, we can extract/fetch data from a file to work with it in the program. The operations that you can perform on a File in C are −

Answered by NehaMP


Different operations that can be performed on a file are:

  • Creation of a new file (fopen with attributes as “a” or “a+” or “w” or “w++”)
  • Opening an existing file (fopen)
  • Reading from file (fscanf or fgets)
  • Writing to a file (fprintf or fputs)
  • Moving to a specific location in a file (fseek, rewind)
  • Closing a file (fclose)

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