Social Sciences, asked by vishalsheth0503, 6 months ago

explain various method of farming​


Answered by LEGEND778


Farming is a process of planting seeds and cultivating crops in a field or land for agricultural production.    

Following are its types:

a. Intensive subsistence agriculture- Under this type of agriculture farmer cultivates on small plots of land using simple tools. It is more labor intensive. Rice, pulses, wheat , maize are the main crops grown. Under this farmer tries to attain maximum output on the small piece of land, thus it increase the pressure on land.

b. Primitive subsistence farming- This type of farming is practiced in north eastern states of India like Mizoram, Nagaland, Assam. Farmer uses primitive tools like digging sticks in small patches of land. Maize, yam potatoes are largely grown. It includes shifting agriculture and nomadic herding. Crops are cultivated to meet farmer's family needs and for not sale in the market. Likewise, sheep, camels, yak are reared to provide products to the herders.

c .mixed farming - Under this agricultural land is used for multiple purposes.

In mixed farming/ agriculture the land is used for growing food and fodder crops and rearing livestock.

  • It is practiced on large areas of land in the urbanized regions.
  • It involves use of capital and modern methods of production

d. Sedentary farming- Under this type of farming, same land is cultivated year after year.

The farm is based in the same location.

It was practiced in America, Eurasia.  

e. Commercial Framing- Farming is practiced on large plots of land using modern inputs,  HYV of seeds, fertilizers for the purpose of selling in the market. It includes commercial grain farming which involves production of cash crops like wheat and maize. Haryana, Punjab are examples for commercial farming in India.  

f. Shifting farming:

Shifting cultivation is a form of primitive subsistence farming, where cultivation is done to primarily meet the needs of the family members. It is practiced in small patches of land. Communities practicing shifting cultivation use traditional/primitive tools not using latest technology. The communities depend on monsoons to meet their irrigation needs and depend on the natural fertility of the land.

These communities us this form of cultivation to have small output that can cater to their needs and not meant for commercial purposes.

g. Plantation farming:    

Plantation is a form of commercial farming where tea, coffee, rubber, sugar cane are  are grown in large tracts of land using large amount of capital and labor. This type of farming makes significant contribution to the economy and contributes to its development and provides employment

h. Intensive farming :

  • Land is cultivated year after year with better   equipment's.
  • It is associated with the increasing use of agricultural   mechanization, to increase the production
  • It involves use of labor intensive techniques and modern machinery.
  • It is carried out in   densely   populated area.

i. Extensive farming:

  •  Land is cultivated using highly mechanized machinery.
  • It is practiced in large patches of land.
  • It is practiced in moderately populated areas.
  • Yield per person is more than yield per hectare.

Methods of  farming

  • organic farming - Organic farming is a farming system with minimal or no use of chemicals as fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides etc and with a maximum input of organic manures, recycled farm-wastes, use of bio-agents such as culture of blue green algae in preparation of biofertilizers, neem leaves or turmeric specifically in grain storage as bio-pesticides, with healthy cropping systems [mixed cropping, inter-cropping and crop rotation.
  • precision farming -  is a farming management concept based on observing
  • nutrient film technique -  When plants are grown with their roots immersed in nutrient solution without soil, this techniques is known as nutrient film technique

Hope it helps


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