Explain various types of correlation with examples
Positive Correlation
Positive correlation occurs when an increase in one variable increases the value in another.
The line corresponding to the scatter plot is an increasing line.
Positive Correlation
Negative Correlation
Negative correlation occurs when an increase in one variable decreases the value of another.
The line corresponding to the scatter plot is a decreasing line.
Negative Correlation
No Correlation
No correlation occurs when there is no linear dependency between the variables.
No Correlation
Perfect Correlation
Perfect correlation occurs when there is a funcional dependency between the variables.
In this case all the points are in a straight line.
Perfect Correlation
Strong Correlation
A correlation is stronger the closer the points are located to one another on the line.
Strong Correlation
Weak Correlation
A correlation is weaker the farther apart the points are located to one another on the line.
Weak Correlation