explain water pollution in tirap district.
explain water pollution in tirap district.
Managing water resources in Arunachal Pradesh in effect implies ensuring sustainable
utilization of the immense water resources of the State. In terms of utilization of water
resources, it is estimated that Arunachal Pradesh has more than one-third of the country’s
proven hydropower potential. Several projects, large and small are been planned to tap this
enormous hydro power potential. Apart from the planned large power projects, State’s Small
Hydro Power Policy 2007 envisages that these eco-friendly and renewable- micro/mini/small
hydro projects that are low in gestation period will be ideal for viable investment for State’s
domestic power requirement. The policy calls for formulation and notification of an Action
Plan for Small Hydro Power Generation.
In terms of utilisation of water for State’s agriculture, the Agriculture Policy 2001 provides
rapid expansion of area under agriculture through the innovative use of technology, expand
irrigation facilities and build supporting infrastructure. The new Industrial Policy formulated
in 2001 provides for a range of fiscal incentives, streamlined administrative processes and
development of infrastructure facilities such as industrial parks, Industrial Estates, Industrial
Growth Centers, Integrated Infrastructure Development Centers etc.