English, asked by shritsharma7, 1 month ago

Explain what a forest looks like to someone who cannot see


Answered by ak2504282


You can’t see the forest for the trees! It’s a widely known saying that is accepted by many as truth whether they are talking about issues in the workplace or about life in general.

You-can’t-see-the-forest-for-the-trees means that we sometimes cannot see situations as they really are while we are in the midst of them. In short, we lose our perspective when we are too heavily invested in a particular situation, approach, organization, etc.

I know from personal experience that this saying is true and it stirs up some emotional memories whenever I hear it.

Emotions arise in me because I was once lost in a forest as a child. Now, my story is not really that dramatic, but it was dramatic for a young boy of nine who wandered off on a summer, day-camp field trip to explore a nearby grove of trees and found himself lost in a forest.

It may have only been for a few hours, but, when you are lost and nine years old in a forest that is getting dark, a few hours seem like a lifetime.

Answered by ponnikanti1


I would like to start out with that I'm new here and would like to say that your article on this topic is ture but I would like to say that there is a bigger picture in all of this and I know this because I'm like the people in your story but I'm more than that you see I was actually born with it being blind that is now I know what your thinking how is she typing this answer if she is blind will I'll tell you I wasn't born all the way blind yes it is a gene in me and I been going to doctor offices for this all my life but I will only lose my eye site at a certain age in my life I'm only 13 years old and I got my first pare of glasses when I was 3 years old I won't lie yes I am scared for when I lose my site but I will be ready you know when you lose one sense and the others become stonger will I’m been doing that for a long time with my hearing and Touch I thank you for the story you wrote it gave someone like me hope so with that ladies and gentlemen I thank you

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