Science, asked by emmanueladimah137as, 22 days ago

explain what can be learned on soil profile about the suitability of the soil profile ?


Answered by faizahasif12


Hi, here is the answer:


The soil profile is the term used for the vertical section of the earth crust to the depth of 1.83 meters.

It shows different layers or horizons of soil for the study of soil in its undisturbed state.  

It consists of the following layer:-

1) O- horizon or surface litter:- is the region of freshly fallen leaves, organic debris and partially decomposed organic matter.  

2) A- horizon or topsoil:- is the region of partially decomposed organic matter (humus), plant roots, living organisms and some inorganic minerals.  

3) E- horizon or zone of leaching:- is the area through which dissolved or suspended materials move down.  

4) B- horizon or subsoil:-  dark colored and often an accumulation of iron, aluminum, hemic compounds and clay leached down from the above layers.  

5) C- horizon or parent material:- where partially broken inorganic materials are found.  

6) R- horizon or bedrock:- is the impenetrable layer, percolated soil water tends to collect at the surface of the bedrock.

Hope it helped :)

Answered by 0xXIshuRajputXx0


There are several factors that affect the composition of soil . It's thickness , which is the basic property of soil , varies from a few centimetres to a few metres . Despite such variations soils have nearly identical vertical structure -

i e., it forms in horizontal layers . The uppermost layer of soil is known as the topsoil . It is the first layer with a lot of humus . Immediately below is the subsoil that consists of uneven coarse particles of rock are very little humus . Below the subsoil is the bedrock which is hard , solid and tightly bound rock . The different layers of soil together is known soil profile .


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