Explain what does the quote means? 'When I have the juice of that flower, I’ll trick some drops of it on Titania’s eyes while she’s sleeping. She’ll fall madly in love with the first thing she sees when she wakes up'. The quotes in the midsummer night's dream. Write by your words and I will mark as the brainiest
Quote is defined as to reproduce or repeat something written or spoken by someone else.
Having once this juice,
I’ll watch Titania when she is asleep
And drop the liquor of it in her eyes.
The next thing then she waking looks upon—
165Be it on lion, bear, or wolf, or bull,
On meddling monkey or on busy ape—
She shall pursue it with the soul of love.
And ere I take this charm from of her sight—
As I can take it with another herb—
170I’ll make her render up her page to me.
But who comes here? I am invisible.
And I will overhear their conference.
I love thee not, therefore pursue me not.
Where is Lysander and fair Hermia?
175The one I’ll stay, the other stayeth me.
Thou told’st me they were stol'n unto this wood.
And here am I, and wood within this wood,
Because I cannot meet my Hermia.
Hence, get thee gone, and follow me no more.
You draw me, you hard-hearted adamant.
But yet you draw not iron, for my heart
Is true as steel. Leave you your power to draw,
And I shall have no power to follow you.