Explain which strategies you will adopt for developing creativity and why?How will you asses the creativity?(10mark)
Creativity is a Great quality. Everyone wants to be creative and innovative. Creativity helps us in generating new ideas. It is the ability to create or discover new ideas for solving problems in a different way. If we want to be creative then we should change our perspective.
Strategies for developing creativity -
There are many strategies for developing creativity. It can be activated by putting some strain of work on individual minds by giving a challenging environment.
Teachers should teach their students creatively. Creative teachers can bring more creative to the class than just a knowledge of teaching.
For example - If students creativity is to be developed in problem solving then they need to be given an environment of problem solving. Each student cannot think in the same way. So, there's a chance for them to think differently and teachers should encourage students and their creativity.
How to assess the creativity -
Teachers should organise activities like debates and elocutions. These activities will make efforts to develop creativity in various fields. To encourage students creativity, teachers should recorded the performance of their work and should give marks. The teacher should rewarded the prizes to the winners
Advancement is the technique for gradual enhancement.
New thoughts come from different imaginations, new arrangements from past ones, and the new ones somewhat get enhanced over the old ones.
A significant number of the extremely advanced things we appreciate today created through an extensive stretch of steady development. With this strategy of blending, at least two existing thoughts are joined into a new thought.
Consolidating the thoughts of a magazine and a sound tape gives the possibility of a magazine you can hear one out, valuable for visually impaired individuals or interstate workers.
Try to look something in a new way. Utilizing basic reasoning methodologies gather the information, evacuate partialities, desires, and presumptions and find how something can be reapplied.
One of the best approaches to wind up innovatively is through a care contemplation practice.
Encountering nature can stir in you a feeling of imperativeness and limitlessness, which turns into a way to your center inventiveness.