Explain why Ahmedabad and Kolkata able to see the noon Sun exactly overhead in a year but not Delhi !?
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Ahmedabad and Kolkata lie in the tropical zone while Delhi is slightly above the tropic of cancer.The two former cities get the sun overhead twice a year.This happens wile the suns rays shifts from the equator to the tropic and secondly when it moves away from the tropic to the equator.However in cities like Dehi
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#N. H. Khan
The sun’s apparent movement towards north and south of the equator is within two tropics.
A. All the places located within the tropics have overhead sun twice a year.
B. Both Ahmedabad and Kolkata lie to the south of the Tropic of Cancer. That is why these two stations see the noon sun overhead twice a year.
C. Delhi is located at 29N latitude much to the north of Tropic of Cancer.
D. The sun’s rays are near overhead in sub-tropical zone. It will never see noon sun overhead, at anytime of the year.