Explain why an object, orbiting the earth, is said to be freely falling. Use your explanation to point out why objects appear weightless under certain circumstances.
our weight is just because of gravitational pull , so outside the earths atmosphere gravitational pull is not much and also because of centrifugal force which is acting opposite of gravity the objects are orbiting around the earth . Due to the lack of gravitational pull outside the atmosphere the object become weightless .
I hope this will help you !!
To show that the earth's satellite is freely falling we onsider the behaviour of projectile thrown paralllel to horizontal surface of the earth in the absence of air friction.The projectile is thrown successively at a larger speed, then during its free fall to the earth, the curvature of the path decreases with increasing horizontal speeds. If the projectile is thrown fast enough parallel to the earth. The curvature of the path will match the curvature of the earth. In this case, the projectile will start moving around the earth. The spaceship is accelerating towards the center of the earth at all times because it orbits around the earth due to centripetal force. Its radial acceleration is simply g the free-fall acceleration. In fact, the spaceship is falling towards the center of earth all the time but the curvature of the earth prevents the spaceship to hit the surface of the earth. As the spaceship is like a free fall object so all objects inside it appear to be weightless.