Explain why β-d-glucopyranose is more stable than α-d-glucopyranose.
Answer:Coz Of the Bond structure
At equilibrium, the beta anomer of D-glucose predominates, because the -OH group of the anomeric carbon is in the more stable equatorial position of the more stable chair structure. Inalpha-D-glucose, the -OH group on the anomeric carbon is axial. Remember, for glucose, alpha is axial!.
Substituent on Equatorial Position
In a cyclohexane ring when the substituents are attached they mainly prefer the equatorial positions because at this position the steric hindrance or strain is very less experienced and are more stable.
- β-d-glucopyranose is more stable than α-d-glucopyranose because in
β-d-glucopyranose the substituents are placed at equatorial position minimizing the strain as compared to α-d- in which the substituents are placed at axial position increasing the strain on the ring making it less stable.