explain why solid have property of rigidity while liquid have property of
This difference between solids and liquids is due to their physical properties.
Properties of solid -:
solids are rigid due to their particles are arranged very closely to each other . so they have the property of rigidity
the intermolecular force between molecules of solids is very high .
These are hard and rigid .
the solid particles cannot move from there original position , they can osilitate /vibrate from their mean position.
example are ice, brick, table, chair etc.
most objects that we see in our surrounding are solids .
properties of liquid -:
the intermolecular attraction between liquid particles are comparatively less than solid particles .
It does not have a particular shape but have a definite volume .
it can move from their original position . so they have the property of fluidity .
some example are water, oil , petrol etc