explain why the British put much emphasis on keeping administrative records
There ample sources available to reconstruct the history of the modern period of India. This includes official records, autobiographies, newspapers, photographs, etc.
• The most important source of information comprises administrative records.
• Administrative records are official documents.
• The British officials not only believed in keeping a record of every official proceeding but also carefully preserved important documents and papers.
• They set up specialised institutions as archives and museums to preserve the records.
• Most of these materials are available in the National Archievs of India at New Delhi and the India Office Records in India.
• The India Office Records are administrated by The British Library ; over 300 collections and over 3000 smaller deposits of private papers are a significant source of the British experience.
• Britishers kept these records carefully as they included correct, and important information about India (colony of the Britishers)
Hence, Administrative Records were preserved carefully.