Physics, asked by merajmansuri29, 6 months ago

explain with an example that density of a solid substance is higher than that of a gaseous substance​


Answered by anshbhardwaj758


Gases are less dense than solids and liquids because their molecules are far apart in comparison to solids and liquids. Density is  




. The greater the  




, the more dense the material is. Because the molecules of a gas are spread apart, they have the least  




, and are therefore less dense.


Answered by bandameedipravalika0


Density of a solid substance is higher than that of a gaseous substance​.


Any substance that occupies space and has mass is termed as matter. Matter is broadly categorized into three basic forms based on the differences in their bulk properties, they are, solids, liquids and gases.

  • The substance with the maximum density is solids. because solids include extremely compact particles. Solids have high densities because of how densely they are packed.
  • Gases have a low density. On the other hand, solids have extremely few intermolecular gaps and highly close-packed particle distribution. Because of the strong intermolecular forces, they are stiff and dense. Solids have a higher density than liquids and gases do.
  • Solids can be identified by their distinct volume and form.
  • Gases may adapt to the shape and volume of the container they are housed in, which distinguishes them from other types of materials.

It is also determined by the mass to volume ratio determines density. A solid's volume might be smaller than that of a liquid or even a gas. A sponge, for example, floats on water because of its low density.


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