explain with balance chemical equations sugar is heated (charred)
The general formula for sugar is given as C11H22O11C11H22O11 .
Assuming complete combustion, you would end up with:
Of course, complete combustion does not occur with sugar. Mix this with potassium nitrate and you have a vigorous home-made smoke bomb (this is a nice touch to add to that home-made volcano science project). After burning, you will be left with a black mass. This also happens if you just try to set sugar on fire. The actual chain of reactions is quite complex and what you actually end up with is a whole bunch of aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and more forming.
That being said, this is actually a pretty dangerous reaction, making sugar one of the more dangerous items sitting in your pantry.
If you increase the surface area of the sugar by milling it very fine, you can further accelerate this reaction to the point where it is fatal. In February 2008, dust clouds of fine sugar lead to explosions killing 14 people at the Imperial Sugar manufacturing facility in Port Wentworth, Georgia.
It kills you fast and it kills you slow (diabetes!). Sugar may be the most deadly food known to man.