explain zabo system for 6mark
Zabo', which means 'impounding water', is an ingenious method of catching rainwater running off the mountains. It involves the preservation of forests on the hill tops to provide the catchment for the water. At the next level ponds are dug out to hold rainwater, which is brought there through small channels.
Answer: ‘Zabo’, means ‘impounding water’.
It is an ingenious method of catching rainwater running off the mountains.
It involves the preservation of forests on the hill tops to provide the catchment for the water.
At the next level ponds are dug out to hold rainwater, which is brought there through small channels.
These channels are even dug across roads. They serve as reservoirs with their bottom and sides rammed and compacted so as to reduce seepage.
The water is passed through cattle yards and carries the dung and urine of the animals to the fields below – perfect to meet the nutritional needs of the soil.
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