Explaination of poem The road not taken
This well-known poem is about making choices, and the choices that shape us. Robert Frost is an American poet who writes simply, but insightfully, about common, ordinary experiences.
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Name of the poem - The Road Not Taken
By - Robert Frost
Main idea of the poem -
The poem is all about making choices in life. As it shapes our future. Many alternatives are available in the choice but one has to choose one only among them. The future will tell whether he/she took the wrong or right decision. We can not undo what we did in the past. We can not start again from the point we want. So taking the right decision and making the correct choices is very important in one's life. Any wrong decision can spoil our life.
Here is explanation of the poem -
Stanza 1
Two roads diverged...........in the undergrowth;
Explanation of stanza 1-
The poet came to a deep autumnal wood where two roads have diverged to two different ways like a fork. He feels like a traveler. As traveling both roads at one time was not possible so he had to decide any one of the roads to go ahead. He was not able to decide where to go. He found that the first road was bent in the undergrowth (bush). Here the undergrowth represents the unknown world.
Stanza 2 -
Then took the other...........really about the same.
Explanation of stanza 2-
The poet selected the road that appeared less traveled. This explains that he has an independent spirit and does not wish to follow the crowd. After sometimes he changed his mind concluding that both roads are equally worn out.
Stanza 3 -
And both that ............ ever come back.
Explanation of stanza 3 -
Here the poet says that leaves cover both roads equally. No one that morning took either path, for the leaves lie undisturbed. It symbolises that the choices in life open to the poet are both unknown to him. he remains committed to his decision to take the road he had selected before. He said that he will save another road for another day. It symbolise that he will make the other choice in life only if he is not satisfied with the first choice. He observes that he will probably never pass that way again, as one path leads to another, and thus will never have an opportunity to take the other road. This symbolises that he will not be able to take the second choice in life at all.
Stanza 4 -
I shall be .........all the difference.
Explanation of stanza 4 -
In years to come to the poet says, he will be telling others about the choices he made. He will talk about the decision he mad took in his life. He will have relief that he had chosen a right one or regret that he made either wrong choice. Whether it may be right or wrong but it will have a significant impact on life.