Explaining the relief, describe the relief features of oceanic bottom.
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Ocean landforms :- There are mountains , basins , plateaus , ridges , canyons , and trenches beneath the ocean water too. These relief features found on the ocean floor are called Submarine Relief.
❤ ❤ Itzcrush❤ ❤
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The ocean basins are in many ways similar to the land surface. There are submarine ridges, plateaus, canyons and terraces found within oceans. Ocean floor is divided into four parts.
1) Continental Shelf:
- It is the border zone between land and sea and occupies about 7.6% of the ocean area.
- The largest continental shelf is Siberian shelf in the Arctic Ocean, stretching to 1,500 kms in width.
Continental Shelf is important because:
- Fish wealth is more in this region. Crude oil, natural gas are found here. Building seaport is possible here.
2) Continental Slope:
- These are formed by the process of erosion of glaciers and rivers.
- Continental slope boundary indicates the continents and comprises of 15% of the ocean area.
3) Deep Sea plain (or) Abyssal Plain:
- Deep sea plains are gently sloping areas of the ocean basins.
- These are the flattest and smoothest regions of the world and cover about 76.2% of the ocean basin.
4) Oceanic deeps (or) Trenches:
- These are large narrow trenches that plunge as great ocean deeps to a depth of 6,000 mts.
- most of the deepest trenches are found more close to the continents.
- That is why they are very significant in the study of plate movements. As many as 57 deeps have been explored so far.
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