explanation any four negative impacts of mass tourism on the local youth
negitive influence
as many children learn many bad habits of people that come from outside the country
Destination image plays an essential role in the tourism industry. Not only can it
help destination marketing organizations (DMOs) to attract tourists, but it can also
be helpful to tourists in making their holiday destination choice. This thesis not only
explains the main aspects of destination image, but also assesses the
interrelationship between destination image, mass tourism, and communication,
especially in the city of Barcelona. Mass tourism and communication are both
crucial topics that can influence the image of a destination. Mass tourism affects
many places throughout Europe and can harm the image of a destination
drastically. Furthermore, with the rise of technology and the development of
various communication channels, positive news, as well as negative, can be shared
rapidly, and can therefore influence a destination’s image. The aim of this thesis
was to find out how mass tourism and communication impact the image of
Barcelona and how recent incidents changed people’s perception of the city.
Moreover, the purpose was to identify why Barcelona is one of the most popular
cities in Europe.
Results of this study revealed how mass tourism and communication changed the
way tourists see the city as a holiday destination. 77.1% of the respondents of the
survey are impacted in the way they think about the city by the effects of mass
tourism. Moreover, recent news released on several communication channels
influenced the perception of Barcelona of 41% of participants. Almost half of the
respondents of the survey have a rather negative or very negative image of the
city. The answers to open-ended questions revealed that the main reasons to visit
Barcelona are its weather, the architecture, the offer of sights, as well as the city’s