Explanation on self defence by animal and plants through.
✯If you have been stung by a honey bee sting leaves an acid which causes pain and irritation .
✯Use of a mild base like baking soda on the ground area give relief .
✯Stinging hero of leaves and little plant inject methanoic acid or formic acid causing burning pain.
✯A traditional remedy is removing the area with the leaf of the dog plant which often grow besides the little in the wild
1)If you have been stung by a honey bee, the sting leaves an acid which causes pain and irritation
2) Use of a mild base like baking soda on the stung area gives relief 3) Stinging hair of leaves of nettle plant, inject methanoic acid or formic acid causing burning pain. A traditional remedy is rubbing the area with the leaf of the dock plant, which often grows besides the nettle in the wild.