express 0.001023 in scientific notation
In Scientific Notations this number can be easily expressed as, 1.023 × 10⁻³.
Explanation ⇒ Whenever we want to write any number in the Scientific Form, then there are some rules which should be followed. For the Rules to be used, we must know the formula which is taught in mathematics.
10ᵃ × 10ᵇ = 10ᵃ ⁺ ᵇ
10ᵃ/10ᵇ = 10ᵃ ⁻ ᵇ
This Formula should be remembered.
Now, when you see any number then try to make it in such a form so that there is only one digit before the decimal.
If the number comes in such form easily, then the form will be called Scientific form. But sometimes, we need to use basic mathematics for it.
For examples, in a given number, there is a 2 zero after the decimal and on the third place after decimal there is a digit which you should supposed to place it before the decimal. So, for that, multiply the given number with 10⁻³.
If there is number like. 1023.009877, then shift the three numbers before the decimal, on the opp. sides of decimal. and multiply the number obtained with 10³.
This means we should need to multiply the number as per as the conditions and as the position of decimal is changed.
Hope it helps .
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