Express 48.5% as a decimal.
First, we will tell you why it is useful to know 48.5 as a decimal.
Normally, to calculate 48.5 percent, you would multiply a number by 48.5 percent and then you would take the product of that and divide it by 100 to get the answer.
Instead, you can simply multiply a number by 48.5 as a decimal to get the answer.
48.5 percent means 48.5 per hundred. Therefore, to get 48.5 as a decimal, all you have to do is divide 48.5 by 100 like so:
48.5 ÷ 100 = 0.48
to convert 48.5% to decimal using the two methods discussed in full detail on our home page:
Remove the percent sign, then divide 48.5 by 100:
48.5% → 48.5 → 48.5/100 = 0.485
Remove the percent symbol, next shift the decimal point two places to the left:
48.5% → 48.5 → 4.85 → 0.485
It stands to reason that the second approach of obtaining 48.5 % as a decimal has the advantage that it can be done without a calculator, so we advise you to memorize that procedure.
If you would like to change a percentage different from 48.5% to decimal form, then make use of our calculator above: Simply insert your value without %; the math is done automatically.
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48.5% in Decimal Form
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Hope it helps ☺️☘️