English, asked by Sanskarlohani8305, 1 year ago

Express your agreement and disagreement on social media is creating awareness among the masses of pak


Answered by damodaran2008


When the internet was created, perhaps no one was aware of its potential. It was just a convenience for sharing of information across some computers. Starting from ARPANET in 1960, passing through TCP/IP technology, today there is a social media system which brings us so close that as if time and distance stand reduced almost to zero. All of us who are on social media are from different parts of the globe, perhaps from places which we may not see during our lifetime, yet we are Facebooked, Twittered, Linkined, WhatsApp and so on.

Social media has brought the world so close that political and geographical boundaries are crumbling. The more people-to-people communication is, the more is the strengthening of relationships. This is the basic principle of the political concept of nation-building. In an information society, bonds grow stronger. We are now heading towards a world-order of Net-state or states. In between, an ominous development of misuse of social media has cropped up.


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