English, asked by anveshdalvi, 1 year ago

express your opinion on why do people work​


Answered by thekjazz2120


Livelihood- People work to provide themselves and their families with the basic essentials or life--food, clothing and shelter. Once these basic essentials are met, other needs and wants become important.

Human relationships- People basically like companionship. People seek companionship with persons who have interests similar to their own. Working is a means of associating with people who have similar interests. Being part of a group gives people a feeling of belonging. Your work can provide companionship and associations with other persons.

Personal Development- A persons work can provide and opportunity to learn and grow intellectually and socially. It is a means of attaining new goals in life by developing new skills and learning new things. Work allows people to reach their fullest potential. Your work can grow and reach your potential.

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