English, asked by debsaha3, 11 months ago

Express your views either for or against the statement:" Technology is limiting creativity"


Answered by RAAZ34



Technology has the most important part in our lives. We use it in our works in our study and many more. Some people would agree that technology reduce the children creativity, others would disagree.

Nowadays people are not using their brain and depending upon technology which is made by some others brain. (eg- Doing simple calculations people use Calculators.)

There were times when people used to spend their time in creative activities, with their family and friends, but today whenever we are idle and feel bored, we just pick up our smartphone, laptop or tablet and start playing games or enter in the fake world of social media. Computers and other such devices we given to us for making our life easier, but too much dependency on such devices has brought us to present alarming situation.Computers have been trained to paint pictures and compose music, but they have not yet mastered creative cognition—thinking divergently, going back and forth between conventional and unconventional thinking, making errors, and deciding on the best, most useful response, given a particular situation. On this level, creativity can be seen as intelligence that is emergent from serendipitous error. But this isn't how we program computers—we want them to be error-free.

As Conclusion, i feel technology is making us lazy as well as less intelligent. The amount we depend on technology today is unravel-able and this rudimentary conundrum has to be avoided. Even a simple calculation has to be done by a calculator nowadays, not our mind

Answered by bprasadrao2017


yes technology kills our own creativity


While it’s undoubtedly true that a majority of people use smartphones and the Internet to fill the idle time in their lives, the other side to the argument, however, is that technology is simply redefining creativity.

The fear is, of course, that children have substituted conventionally creative hobbies such as painting, building and experimenting for passive screen activities, such as gaming. Yet, despite the fact that modern children do have higher rates of media consumption than any previous generation, it’s not always true that their screen activities lack creativity. Many children use the Internet to write blogs, build websites, or dabble in coding.

“Technology needs to be thought of as a new medium built to improve and enhance creative design and expression and not as just an information-supply machine.”

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