Social Sciences, asked by mbmandalapu200217, 1 year ago

Express your views on reservations as tool for social development


Answered by rajat2269


The caste based reservations is a very important program to ensure representation of those castes which have been discriminated in the name of caste since thousands of years and are still being discriminated. Caste based reservations is not a poverty removal tool but it is a simple tool to ensure representation.

Answered by smartbrainz

Reservations as tool for social development


  • India is the second largest populous nation in the world and hosts a multifaceted pluralism in culture, faith, race , language and caste, which also challenges the Indian government in constructing and maintaining a harmonious community.
  • The challenges are to establish fair job opportunities, to ensure equitable allocation of government services and funds and to provide education, without prejudice on the grounds of ethnicity, caste, age , sex, etc., to all Indian people.
  • Discrimination has even more obvious implications and, as a result, a quota / affirmative action program based on fairness is apparent. Denial of access to land, employment, schooling and basic services for others would weaken people's lives and lead to a definitive denial of some fundamental human rights. Discrimination is thus not just a question of equity but also of economic growth.
  • The government must introduce a law on equal opportunities to provide legal safeguards against discrimination on different markets, namely capital, agriculture, employment, commodities and goods, education, health, housing, etc. More positive and reservation / affirmative actions should then complement the legal guarantees in order to improve their effectiveness in the access of private employment, farmland,  production, capital, and consumer goods and private education.
  • The government uses reservations as a tool to run the country effectively and solve these challenges. Reservation has proven an active instrument of social transformation, providing opportunities in public jobs , education and legislatures for backward and marginalized segments of society.

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